Woman who looks like a model has become a mechanic, repairs buildings! earns lakhs of rupees

All the professions in the world require different types of studies to do them and the people who do those professions, their dress and lifestyle also starts matching with their profession. But looking at a woman (Woman work at construction site), you will not be able to tell in which profession she is and what work she does, because she looks like a model, but believe me she is not a model.

According to the report of The Sun website, seeing Camila Bernal, people understand the model (Model like woman work as caulker). More than 6 thousand people follow her on Instagram, who are crazy about her beauty. She looks like a model, but she is not a model, she is a mechanic who works to repair buildings. She is a caulker (Woman work as caulker). It is actually an English word, for the mason, who works to fill the cracks between the roof and the wall, so that there is no dampness in the walls, nor any kind of cracks remain in the walls.

7 years of experience, started my own business
Camilla is actually a resident of Columbia city of America but now she lives in Melbourne, Australia. There she runs her business. Don’t go by the looks of 31 year old Camilla, she is very knowledgeable about her work and earns well. He has 7 years of work experience. She made a place in an industry which is considered male dominated.

earns money in 6 figures
She said that she loves her work and now she has become a complete perfectionist. However, this was not the work she always wanted to do. She was very fond of graphic designing, and wanted to become a graphic designer. She reaches her work every day at 7 in the morning and works throughout the day. She told that her income is in 6 figure, which means she earns lakhs of rupees in a month. Because of this work, he has also started having health issues. Pain in his back persists. Despite this, she does not want to leave this work.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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